Operant starts working without any integrations

We also integrate with your cloud stack where you want, when you want to meet you where you're at.

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Operant Supports all K8s platforms

+ Azure AKS
+ Google GKE
+ Rancher RKE2
+ OpenShift
+ Kubernetes
+ Standalone Containers

Operant Integrates with your stack

+ GitHub: Powerful policy-as-code integrations that leverage your GitOps to secure all your environments.
+ CI/CD Pipelines: Shift left with DevSecOps guardrails that secure applications before they reach production
+ IDP Platforms: Build a full picture of your runtime identities with deep integration with your IDP

Cloud and AI Services

+ AWS Bedrock, AWS S3, AWS API Gateway, AWS CloudWatch, and more
+ Google Vertex, Google Storage, Google Firebase, and more
+ OpenAI, Cohere, Anthropic, Mistral, Llama, Hugging Face, and more
+ Cloudera, Redis, MySQL, ClickHouse, Elastic, and more
+ 3rd Party containers for Developers, Business Analytics, Data Processing and others

Operant Unlocks Compliance

+ CIS Benchmark
+ SEC Disclosure Regulations
+ NIST 800
+ EU AI Act
Trust & Security for your entire Cloud and AI ECOSYSTEM