FAQs about Operant

Everything you need to know about Operant's deployment and billing

Is there a free trial available?
Yes, you can try Operant for 7 days. Our friendly team will work with you to get you up and running as fast as possible.
Can I change my plan later?
Of course. Our pricing scales with your company. As you grow Operant's usage, you can also change your plans over time.
How is Operant securing that data?
All data in transit from customer environments to Operant cloud is sent encrypted over HTTPS with the latest TLS v1.3. There is only one outgoing HTTPS trusted connection from a customer environment’s local Operant controller to Operant cloud. All data at rest is encrypted in Operant’s cloud. More details regarding Operant’s security practices can be found on our Security Page.
Does Operant transfer a heavy volume of data from my stack?
Operant’s distributed architecture means that the data sent to Operant is in the range of a few KB or MBs. This is very low In comparison to traditional logs-based SIEM products or application tracing products.
Does Operant use VPC Mirroring?
No. Older techniques like VPC Mirroring introduce new security, performance and cost overheads, while only giving observability of a limited API footprint. Operant's solution gives you full coverage of all live API activities beyond the WAF including internal, 3rd party, and AI APIs along with detection and defense capabilities to actively block attacks, none of which are possible with VPC Mirroring.
Should I deploy Operant for LLM training or inference?
Both. Operant can be used in many GenAI and ML architectures, whether you are building your own models, training your LLMs, or embedding 3rd party models in your AI-powered applications. While several techniques and solutions focus on bias and ethics of LLM models, Operant's focus is to help you deliver Responsible and Trusted AI that protects your entire cloud application environment against new threats and also meets the needs of your customer's data privacy requirements.
What cloud instances do you support?
We support every cloud provider. We can work on the major platforms like AWS, Google, Azure, and we can also support self-managed Kubernetes environments like OpenShift and others.
Is it just a helm install?
Yes, Operant can be deployed with a helm install. You'll get helm access once you're set up with your account, or your org admin invites you.
What platforms do Operant support?
Operant can be deployed on any Kubernetes cluster ( version 1.25+ ) across any cloud provider - AWS EKS, Azure AKS, Google Cloud GKE, as well as other locally deployed managed K8s environments such as OpenShift.
Do I have to put Operant in prod for it to work? How do I test that it works in a safe environment?
Operant does not need to be in production for it to work. The software can be deployed in a staging or test environment, where it can demonstrate all capabilities without the need for production. In a full deployment, Operant would ideally be deployed in every environment, with staging and test deployments used as guardrails for deployment to production, and a production deployment used for more urgent security needs or incident response.
What's unique about Operant's OWASP Coverage?
Unlike niche products that tackle one OWASP attack at a time, Operant helps you with >80% of detections for top threats on the OWASP APIs, LLMs and K8s lists. Operant doesn't stop at detections, we also defend your cloud and AI workloads, bringing comprehensive capabilities under a single platform.
Does Operant use eBPF?
eBPF is optional and >90% of the platform's capabilities are not reliant on eBPF in any way. For customers who have specific needs for process-level visibility an optional eBPF component is available.

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Single step helm install.
Zero instrumentation. Zero Integrations.
Works in <5 minutes.