The Only Automatic ASPM

Works in less than 5 minutes. Zero integrations required.

See every layer of your live application instantly

Runtime Risk Scoring

Prioritizing risks should not mean data and alert overload.  Operant's K8s-native risk scoring accounts for all runtime signals, prioritizes criticality, and provides relevant context in a simple interface without burdening you with integrations.

Live Security Graphs

Get an instant "full stack" view of your entire application, whether in dev, staging or prod. With an intuitive graph interface, fly through risk, context, and insights across all the layers, from L7+ to the underlying kernel.

Multi-Layer Enforcements

Act on risk instead of drowning in data with Operant's built-in application security controls that enable you to eliminate risks and vulnerabilities directly within the ASPM interface instead of creating more noise with Jira tickets.

Know everything that you need to know to keep your apps secure

Single-step install.
Zero integrations.
Zero instrumentation.

Save time and money while securing the entire application environment

Make Applications More Secure

Actively protect against modern attacks including lateral attacks, cryptomining, zero day vulns and more. Identify and prioritize application security blind spots instantly based on live data and remediate critical vulnerabilities directly within Operant’s interface without any extra engineering projects.

Do More With Less

Always know what’s happening across your entire K8s application stack without any integrations, instrumentation or manual upkeep. Eliminate manual remediation workflows by enforcing security policies across every layer of your applications automatically with zero drift across your entire K8s environment.

Reduce Costs & Tooling Overload

Eliminate the cost of installation, integrations, maintenance, training, and tooling upkeep while being more secure. Slash your security TCO by consolidating the cost of your tooling from ASPM, API security, KSPM, Microsegmentation, and Runtime Threat Detection and Response into one purpose-built Kubernetes-Native solution that requires no integrations or instrumentation to work.

Scale Applications Faster

Don’t let security hold your application development timelines back. Operant shields every layer of your Kubernetes-based applications and scales automatically as you grow. Deploy faster and more securely with full knowledge of your K8s application environment + security guardrails that protect your applications from dev to staging to prod.

60% of data breaches were caused by known vulnerabilities awaiting a patch

Real-world Example

A new shopping cart K8s deployment relying on third-party APIs was left open to the internet, where attackers used a machine identity to enter the company’s application internals and initiate a lateral attack. With instance scaling, new IP-addresses were dynamically assigned and the hard-coded network layer rules did not work. This breach in the shopping cart instance allowed the attacker to hop through the recommendation service and payment service instances, eventually stealing customer PII data
stored in their AWS S3 bucket.

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How Operant Solves It

Only Operant is able to identify and prioritize the criticality of this type of open runtime vulnerability in the live application environment and stop this kind of lateral attack because Operant understands all of the live application traffic flow across every layer of the application and has the ability to enforce security policies within your environment:

  • Operant identifies the open API instantly
  • Operant provides immediate remediation enforcement action through its SaaS control plane
  • Operant enables security and platform engineers to set up new zero trust policies governing access controls to prevent future lateral attacks
  • Operant enforces those policies at runtime without drift in any new K8s cluster that is assigned via rule logic

See the power and simplicity of Operant for yourself

Operant in Action